Our Team

EDNA Myanmar
U Soe Min Thant
Education and Enterprise Development Manager Member of the Board of Directors

I Soe Min Thant holds an LLB, MML (Second Year) and a certificate in mentoring awarded by EDNA Myanmar. He has also received 1 year on the job coaching on training mentors and operations management by Daw Kyi Kyi Nyein.
U Soe Min Thant has five years management experience in the restaurant business. He joined EDNA Myanmar in 2014 as a mentor. Due to his extraordinary mentoring skills and passion in helping grow enterprises, he was promoted to the position of Education and Enterprise Development Manager in January 2017. Together with Dr. Richard Seymour and Daw Kyi Kyi Nyein U Soe Min Thant has helped train close to 100 mentors during the LIFT project period. He was also responsible for the launch and growth of many enterprises in Kachin, Mon and Kayin regions. U Soe Min Thant was invited to the University of Sydney, Australia to share his mentoring experience to participants of Australia Awards Fellowship program in 2015. For his outstanding work, he was awarded “the best mentor who trains and support new mentors” in 2017 by The University of Sydney, Entrepreneurship and Innovation program and EDNA Myanmar.
U Soe Min Thant is the driving force behind the success of Pro-poor entrepreneurial businesses through education & business development initiatives for LVT Graduates in Mon and Kayin region. U Soe Min Thant is also a member of the Board of Directors.
Email: smtwinpo69@gmail.com